Welcome to the Ecstatic Living & Tantra Blog!

This blog has a purpose - to give you information about our teachings, and to share with you practices and ideas to explore for enhancing your life and loving.

It all forms part of what we call "ecstatic living" - weaving the integration of love, intimacy and spirituality into the fabric of our whole life.

We hope that you enjoy our offerings - may they be interesting and informative, heart-opening and inspiring to you.


Lokita & Steve Carter

Thursday, September 24, 2009

This Blog has moved!

Dear Subscribers & Readers,
Please know that our blog has moved to http://ecstaticliving.com/blog/. All future updates and writings will be on the new site. It consolidates all our writings into one place.

We send you our love and best wishes.

Lokita & Steve Carter

1 comment:

visit our website said...

Congratulations for the site. The information is good, and you provide what is the most important, a reason why you love tantric massage.